Here is a sequence at the end of a Samsung spot for which we provided this beautiful Peregrine Falcon, filmed at Potters Field in London.
Here is a sequence at the end of a Samsung spot for which we provided this beautiful Peregrine Falcon, filmed at Potters Field in London.
This is a beautifully planned and executed small birds live-action shoot. We do quite a number of bird projects each year, be they live-action filming, photographic stills or special events.
Each project brings its own logistical questions, potential challenges and, with our decades of experience and our client’s creative skills, elegant solutions. It’s one thing for a client to ask questions in pre-production, it’s an entirely different thing to know which vital questions to ask. We always strive to guide our clients to results like this.
This film is an outstanding piece of storytelling in miniature where the hero is a little forest bird. Filmmakers rely on A- Z Animals to compliment their storytelling skills with expert animal training and supervision on set. This is a very skilful piece of work delivered by all concerned.
Wishing to introduce their new mobile App, Nationwide asked us to provide a very clever Budgie.
Meet Reg!